
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2018

Your opinion about the use of blogs in the English class

My opinion about the use of blogs in the English class Hi again, today I will let you know my opinion about the blogs we wrote to pass the English 3 course. I believe that knowing English is a good tool to be able to relate and develop more completely in our study programs, however, the way in which we are taught the contents is not always good. For example, now we have to write blogs with different topics, but none of these has allowed me to better understand a scientific paper related to my career, because there are many technical words that through bolgs are not exercised, and when reading to do work or to elaborate our thesis, we have to resort to translation in programs that do not always keep the real meaning of the words and we lose the original information of the article. However, it also has its advantages, because it allows us to better understand the grammar and exercise vocabulary, as well as dare to write more than one sentence in English and post-quo

Students' manifestations and tomas

Students' manifestations and tomas. In the last time, Chile has become a country where a series of political manifest are evident. For example, one of the most important has been education, which is transversal to all educational programs, from basic to university education. One of the main mottos of this demonstration is the demand for free and quality education, because there are many differences between a private education where you pay for it and a public education where there are no good educational standards. Because of this, many education centers carry out strikes as a form of protests. Now, the movement has resurged, but from another point of view, feminism. Where it seeks to make visible many issue, such as abuse of power and sexual abuse of students and teachers. So, in my opinion we all have to be part of these manifestations, because they show cultural problems of which we are all parties, it is not only the role of women to be part of the


Santiago from my study program's point of view For most people Santiago was founded with Pedro de Valdivia in 1541, and since then, it has only been a great city that every day has more buildings and shelter more and more people, becoming the most populated city in Chile. However, from our perspective, the history of Santiago begins many years before, as well as that of many other places. Many investigations have shown evidence of different prehispanic cultural groups, for example in the high mountain range, specifically in the Cajón del Maipo, there is evidence of hunter-gatherers, who were characterized by having a great handling of lithic artifacts and hunting animals for their survival. Other cultural groups are Bato, llolleo and Aconcagua, who cultivated veggies and produced their own pottery. Therefore, through archeology, it can be said that Santiago has a great history, which goes beyond what we know so far, and there are many archaeological sites th

An interview

An Interview Hi there, today I going to talk about an Interview that is done to a partner: Florencia. -Hello what's your name? My name is Florencia Marin -How old are you? I´m 23 years old. -Where do you live? I´m live in Santiago, in the comuna of Ñuñoa. -What are you studying? I'm studying archeology, this is my fifth year in my program study. -You like your career? Yes, I like it a lot -Because? because I've learned a lot about prehispanic cultures in Chile, and in the world. thanks for your time, Florencia.
Chile becomes first Latin American country to ban plastic bags Hi there, today I'm going to talk about ban plastic bags, and I will give my opinion from my program study: Archeology.  The article talks about the prohibition of plastic in Chile. Law that impulse the ex president  Michelle Bachelet, and Sebastian Piñera finished. This law consists of establishing a period for the large  and smaller businesses stop givin bags on purchase that customers make, or they will have to play a fine for non compliance of the law. Also the law establishes that only two bags can be given per person, up to six months for the large businesses, and two years for the smaller. For this reason, the law aims to stimulate the use recycled bags, to decrease the pollution in the sea, and there decrease the death of marine species.  From my program study, this law is very beneficial for the planet, because the man (as humanity),  take the blame for the extincion of the species, si

A movie That I Like and a movie that I Hate.

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to talk about  my favorite movie, and the movie that I hate. My favorite movie is; The Lord of The Ring. Its a movie well known , that tells the history of Frodo Bolson and they friends or fellowship of the ring, who try shatter the Ring of power in Mordor. But, nothing is easy, because they have many enemies that impede the mission, such as: Boromir, Saruman, Golum, the orcos, and obviously Sauron.  This movie its my favorite, because when I was at the school,  I read all books of the saga, and I liked so much the writer, J.R.R Tolkien, and after I saw the movie with my cousin, and I never stop watching it. In contrast, the movie that I hate is "Beauty and The Beast", really? I never saw this movie, not even when I was a girl. I dont know what its about, but only with analize the tittle, I know that its a very bad movie, that ilustrated the romantic love, in a castle whit a princess who loves the !!!BEAST!!! PLEASE!.

A perfect Song

Hello again, today I'm going to tell you what my favorite song. I really like the song Sun is Shining, by Bob Marley. It's one of Bob's best creations, and it brings back many memories of when I was a child.  Since childhood, I have memories of my mom listening to regge groups such as UB40, Steel Pulse, Bunny Wailer and Bob Marlye and The Wailers, and the song that I liked the most was Sun is Shinig because he is very happy.  When I grew up, I temporarily forgot the song, until one day I met a friend who had it as a ringtone and I remembered how much I liked it and I started listening to it all the time and I started to understand the lyrics and it seemed much more beautiful, especially the part in which it says; "Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah, Make you wanna move your dancing feet now ". Since then, I always wear it when I'm with friends or when I'm with my mom and I thank her for having given me good