Chile becomes first Latin American country to ban plastic bags

Hi there, today I'm going to talk about ban plastic bags, and I will give my opinion from my program study: Archeology. 

The article talks about the prohibition of plastic in Chile. Law that impulse the ex president  Michelle Bachelet, and Sebastian Piñera finished. This law consists of establishing a period for the large  and smaller businesses stop givin bags on purchase that customers make, or they will have to play a fine for non compliance of the law. Also the law establishes that only two bags can be given per person, up to six months for the large businesses, and two years for the smaller. For this reason, the law aims to stimulate the use recycled bags, to decrease the pollution in the sea, and there decrease the death of marine species. 

From my program study, this law is very beneficial for the planet, because the man (as humanity),  take the blame for the extincion of the species, since prehistory with great mammals like milodon or mamut, and they wat to save the world. This only shows that man is still considered as the central part of the history, following with the opposition of the nature/culture, paradigm that Anthropology always wanted to destroy.


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My Career; Anthropology