
Personal Opinion

Hello, today I will write my opinion on some topics. What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets? I believe that adoption is the key, to avoid more stray dogs and cases like the Cholito law. But, it’s not enough just to adopt, it´s also necessary to create awareness in people and that both the purchase and adoption of pets is a great responsibility. What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs? I think it’s necessary to legalize marijuana and discuss the legalization of other drugs. I believe that legalizing marijuana can be beneficial for people who must use marijuana for health reasons, but also for those who only use it for being recreational. All these people are in their right. The only problem I see in this, is that similar stores will be installed to pharmacies that will sell marijuana at high prices. What is your opinion about climate change? I think it’s necessary to take action to curb climate change. Not only in the govern


Hello again, today I will write about what changes I would make to my study program. Well, I study Anthropology with mention in Archaeology and recently a group of teachers modified the study plan. However, I believe that the changes they made will generate a very large academic overload.  Although, the content of the subjects is the correct one for the development of the career, these are very difficult. For that reason I think that I would leave the old subjects that were difficult but I could combine them with less academic load.  These changes would be appropriate with the 5 year duration of the career and it would not mean that the new students will become machines of knowledge. In relation to the buildings, I think it's necessary to remodel the old classrooms, libraries and bathrooms, as well as include more structures that are inclusive to all people who wish to study in this faculty. This is essential so that students can count on safe and comfortable areas to study

A Job you would like to have in the Future

My Futere Job

Hi, today I will talk about a job that I would like to have in the future. In the future, I would like to have two jobs that can be combined. I would like to be a professor in some university because I believe that I have pedagogical abilities and because I believe that in the future the pedagogy in archeology should be refocused, mainly because the teachers of today dont renew the methods of teaching. Also, I would like to work in some institution, maybe in the Centro de Investigación de la Patagonia, because I really love this place. I think that for both jobs I should take postgraduate studies. For the first, focus on some program that is education and teaching methods, to know how the pedagogy is currently developed, and for the second, perhaps a program that includes two areas: taphonomy and zooarchaeology, because in the Centro de Investigación there are no researchers in this área, so I think it would be a contribution for me and for the institution. Beyond the mone

Postgraduate Studie

Hello again, today I will talk about the postgraduate course that I would like to take in the future.  Well, I have always been interested in the area of Paleontology, but not for the dinosaurs. So, when a graduated from this University, I would like to take a master's degree in Paleontology for the moment at the Universidad Austral de Chile , specially because I would like to study paleoclimatology. This subject is important for me, because I´m actually studing archaeology, and my own objective is to understand How societies developed in the past, or Why they had that behavior thousands and thousands of years ago. So the climate is fundamental to understand the decisions that were made in the past and of course to understand the development of their culture.  This  study  programme has great teachers like Antonio Maldonado, who is a great paleoclimatologist. His studies have focused on the north of Chile, and now we know that 6000 years before the present, the hunter gatherer

How to be "Team Human" in the digital future.

Hello again, today I will talk about the monologue in the Video "How to be Team Human in the digital future. In the fist part, I answer the question: What are the main ideas in the Video?, and then: talk about what say Douglas Rushkoff about the evolution of technology and human being. I think that the main idea of the video has to do with a critique of how we think about the future, and based on this, gives different arguments about how the collective human imagination think that the future will be. He named what is the true role of social media, that in his position these platforms don´t connect people, however social networks are predicting our future behavior. Also, he says that all technology and digital initiatives are in favor of humans, but at the end they are anti-human. This is important to understand the second part, because for Douglas Rushkoff, the evolution of human, is based on a collaborative and communicative behavior, because we have a language and techno
My favorite subject