How to be "Team Human" in the digital future.

Hello again, today I will talk about the monologue in the Video "How to be Team Human in the digital future.
In the fist part, I answer the question: What are the main ideas in the Video?, and then: talk about what say Douglas Rushkoff about the evolution of technology and human being.

I think that the main idea of the video has to do with a critique of how we think about the future, and based on this, gives different arguments about how the collective human imagination think that the future will be. He named what is the true role of social media, that in his position these platforms don´t connect people, however social networks are predicting our future behavior. Also, he says that all technology and digital initiatives are in favor of humans, but at the end they are anti-human.

This is important to understand the second part, because for Douglas Rushkoff, the evolution of human, is based on a collaborative and communicative behavior, because we have a language and technology, so the evolution human  it must be thougt in terms of helping human.

In my opinion, the human evolution it must be though in collaborative terms and that technological and digital development must not go first  than humanity, because that way we only have our imminent destruction. 


  1. I think the evolution can´t depend only to the technology, the feelings is important too

  2. I'm agree with you about evolution, technological and digital development must not go first than humanity :(


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