Postgraduate Studie

Hello again, today I will talk about the postgraduate course that I would like to take in the future. 

Well, I have always been interested in the area of Paleontology, but not for the dinosaurs. So, when a graduated from this University, I would like to take a master's degree in Paleontology for the moment at the Universidad Austral de Chile , specially because I would like to study paleoclimatology. This subject is important for me, because I´m actually studing archaeology, and my own objective is to understand How societies developed in the past, or Why they had that behavior thousands and thousands of years ago. So the climate is fundamental to understand the decisions that were made in the past and of course to understand the development of their culture. 

This study programme has great teachers like Antonio Maldonado, who is a great paleoclimatologist. His studies have focused on the north of Chile, and now we know that 6000 years before the present, the hunter gatherers managed to include grains like quinoa to their food because the climate was favorable for their growth. Another thing that we know from his studies is that in the Atacama desert there was a very very wet period, and obviously it was not a desert. In based of this findings, I would like take a master´s degree in Paleontology to do similar research like Antonio Maldonado, however in the south of Chile specifically in Patagonia region, because I know that thousands years ago, in that area didn´t rain and it wasn´t  green as it is now.

I would like to study in the Faculty of Science, which is located in Valdivia and this program and I would have to go live there. 

Resultado de imagen para paleoclimatologist
Fig 1. In the picture, we see paleoclimatologist taking sediment columns for to know what the climate was like in the past.


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My Career; Anthropology